Pocket Tin Survival Kit


  • Most complete survival kit with over 40 essential items
  • Includes paracord, LED lamp, compass, firestarter, first aid kit, and more
  • Small and portable, slightly larger than an Altoids tin
  • Great design, makes a unique gift for outdoor enthusiasts
  • Made with pride in the UK
  • Color: Silver, Grey
  • Material: Nylon
  • Number of pieces: 42
    (13 customer reviews)
    Last updated on 04/02/2024 10:54 More info

    Buy from amazon.co.uk

    Introducing the Limitless Equipment MARK 1 Pro Survival Kit, a top-of-the-line, pocket-sized survival kit that is proudly made in the UK. With over 40 essential items packed inside, this kit is designed to prepare you for any survival situation.
    Made from durable nylon material in an attractive silver and grey color scheme, this survival kit is built to last. It includes a variety of high-quality components such as a whistle, first aid kit, gauze pads, compass, and emergency kit. These items are carefully selected to provide you with everything you need to stay safe and prepared in the great outdoors.
    Compact and lightweight, this survival kit is designed to be easily carried with you wherever you go. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or simply exploring the wilderness, the Limitless Equipment MARK 1 Pro Survival Kit is your ultimate companion.
    Please note that batteries are not included. The Limitless Equipment brand ensures reliability and quality, and this product is no exception. Manufactured by Limitless Equipment, this survival kit bears the item model number LEMK1SKITB.
    Measuring at just 11 x 7 x 4 cm and weighing a mere 180 grams, this survival kit is designed to be portable and convenient. Its small size doesn’t compromise on the functionality, as it contains a comprehensive set of survival tools.
    Don’t leave home without the Limitless Equipment MARK 1 Pro Survival Kit. It’s your ultimate survival companion, providing you with peace of mind and the confidence to overcome any challenge you may face in the wilderness.

    Additional information

    Material type


    Number of pieces


    Included components

    ‎Whistle, First Aid Kit, Gauze Pads, Compass, Emergency Kit

    Batteries included



    ‎Limitless Equipment


    ‎Limitless Equipment

    Item model number


    Product Dimensions

    ‎11 x 7 x 4 cm, 180 Grams


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    13 reviews for Pocket Tin Survival Kit

    1. DJC

      Fast Delivery And Well Packaged, Great Compact Wee Kit With Plenty Of Useful Gear, Can’t Have Enough Of These Kits Very Handy To Carry In Your Kit Bag, This Is One Of The Best I Have Purchased So Far. Highly Recommended

    2. A. Brown

      Para los aficionados a la montaña o simplemente como complemento para llevar en un vehículo o para ir de viaje, es el kit de supervivencia más adecuado. No pesa mucho, y tiene todo lo necesario para primeros auxilios o una situación ligeramente complicada. Los hay más completos, pero también más grandes y pesados, y más caros. Yo estoy satisfecho con esta compra.

    3. Paul from Cottenham

      Update: We have now used the kit “In Anger” on a woodland walk, which gave him an excellent chance to “Play” with the items. so, this is as much a log of the day as it is a review. Some of the items were used badly and I allowed this happen as part of the learning process. We started off by selecting a dead tree to collect wood for the fire, the wire saw was different from the one pictured but no less functional. I added a pic with the tin for comparison and that was about as large as we took. We made 8 cuts collecting enough wood for a fire making sure there was some dry for kindling.
      Next on our walk was water, we pass a small lake used by local livestock and some wild animals, I was all set to use the “spare sock” with the condom when he moulded a small “container” to put the condom in out of the wire and tinfoil, the effect was ok but not great, although I was more impressed by the fact that he was thinking and engaged we added the tablet and continued on finding a good spot for the fire. He used the scalpel to scrape tinder and shave kindling, I did have a folding knife for the task, but he wanted to test the limits of the kit.
      It worked mostly, and I was about to talk about conserving tinder and using half of the tampon however by then he had doused the whole thing in the Vaseline and put it to a spark. You will see on the pic he left the Vaseline pot to close and this was a good lesson in putting things away when you are done. There was another lesson in keeping an eye on things when I managed to cut myself on the scalpel allowing us to test the wipe, the pad and some of the tape 😊 I also ripped my Poncho a little and the tape for the repair. I am not going to replace the poncho for now as I want to see how the tape lasts in real life.
      The one physiological barrier we had was getting him to drink the water from the condom he was not keen, and I decided not to push it so I gave him the water I had in my canteen and I used it. He really did not want to drink from something “designed to cover a willy”. From there we played with the whistle I hid, blew the whistle and he used the sound to find me. Incidentally the ferro rod on the whistle worked really well. We made a second fire using the last of the wood the twine from the paracord and interestingly (his suggestion from earlier) the now bloody wipe. Again, good sparks. We did not test the fishing kit as the little lake has never had any fish in it.
      The one bit of the kit we broke was the actual tin, we were using to make a small fire pit and he got a little excited and started digging the channel tunnel extension which effectively killed the tin. I tested one of the little chem light and it worked, as it was daylight there was little light but it was more about testing out the items. All in all a really good day and although not exhaustive, a good test of the kit in action. Next come restocking the kit and getting a new tin, I’m gonna contact the maker and purchase one as this will keep the gift as it was.
      As a closing note I spent £22 (ish) on this and it provided 5 hours of quality family time, if it never does anything it will have been worth it. As a bench mark we could not have spent that much time in the cinema for that amount of money.

      Bought as a gift for a budding bushcrafter. I know all about the build a kit from from scratch argument, however I bought this as a good starting point so that as he uses (practices mainly) the items he will think, ask and replenish. Also it made an interesting gift and best of all, it provoked a lively discussion comparing the bought kit vs my made kit which all by its self made the kit worth the money. perhaps we’ll have one less sat on the bloody play station :).

    4. Erza scarlet

      TL;DR – Very well equipped survival kit at a reasonable price.

      OK, so I might have been a little melodramatic when I said it “Saved my life”… Neither occasion was actually life threatening, but it was EXTREMELY useful nonetheless…

      The first occasion, I was driving up the M5 when my windscreen washer jets on the driver side stopped working… I pulled into the services and desperately searched for a needle to unblock them with… Cue the survival kit, which had one exactly the right size to unblock them! Inconvenience bravely averted with 2 minutes of jiggling I continued on my way with fully functional washers!

      The second occasion, myself and some chums had successfully summited Snowdon, and returned to the car park. We tried to light the stove to prepare celebratory tea, and found our matches to be wet… Desperate for caffeine, we fished in the survival kit and found the flint and steel, which (to our surprise!) Had the stove lit in moments…

      The point I have been tediously working towards for the last 3 paragraphs is that while this survival kit might seem like the realm of quirky survivalists and people who dream of squeezing the liquid from elephant droppings, this is actually a useful thing to keep in your car, and worth a purchase for the kind of people who like clean windscreens and celebratory tea…

    5. Stmfan

      I had done research on 3 different compact survival kits. Bear Grylls, ESEE, & this one. Based on cost and content, I chose this one as it has the most items, at a cost of $19.99, and upon receiving it was very pleased with my choice. Upon its arrival, I immediately conducted an inventory of the items, and found I was missing the spool of dental floss, but did have an extra salt packet and mini glow stick, so it all balances out. I have made a slight upgrade to it, removed the chewing gum (afraid it would melt in the heat) and put in a P-51 can opener along with a Fresnel lens; the can opener and the extra glow stick I taped to the lid, so I know where it is in the dark. I also have enough room to put in a Boker Magnum Little Arrowhead knife. I recommend a small ziplock bag if you can find one, that way all the small items can be secured and not be loose in the package. It comes in a larger ziplock bag to which I added a whirlpack 1 liter water bag, as I don’t trust the condom as they tend to break based on the amount of fluid in them. It only comes with two water purification tablets, I recommend adding more of those, along with some NATO stormproof matches.
      The only negative would be the wire saw, it is not as shown in the picture, which is the higher quality one with swivels and metal rings. Mine has the wire folded around into a loop at each end and crimped with rubber tubes to cover the loops so you don’t hurt yourself. So I may order a better one and replace it at some point, or a UST Razor Saw or something similar and just remove the scalpel and the wire saw entirely; also upgrade the light, not very bright and I’m not in a Escape & Evade environment so it wouldn’t really help. I’d give the Mark 1 Survival Kit a 5 star rating based upon it’s design, and content along with the cost, despite some of the minor issues I have with it.

    6. Doug76

      Bon, allons-y aussi, cinq étoiles. Le kit est vraiment complet et ingénieux. Et ça, j’adore. En effet, certains articles peuvent être détournés de leur usage principale pour en faire des outils de survie, ou de premiers soins, comme le filtre à café (filtre à eau élémentaire… ) ou le tampon hygiénique(petit pansage compressif, allume feu…), tout comme le préservatif (transport et stockage d’eau, manchon hermétique pour maintenir une compresse…) ainsi que le chewing-gum que l’on peut aussi utiliser comme mastique d’urgence (l’usage primaire des articles précités n’est évidemment pas négligeable… ). Ne sont pas négligés les petits aspects réconfort, idéal pour faire baisser un coup de stress, du sucre, du bouillon, et du sel. Tout ceci est très complet.

      Maintenant, même si je maintients les cinq étoiles, trois points à améliorer. Deux trombones remplacent, dans le kit reçu, les épingles de sûreté. La présence de trombones n’est pas si incongrue, mais du coup, je pense que l’ajout des fameuses épingles n’est pas superflu non plus. La ligne de pêche est très bien pensée mais un hameçon de petite taille supplémentaire serait le bienvenu. Il est difficile de pêcher un petit poisson avec un gros hameçon, alors que l’inverse est vrai. Et dernier point, la boîte de très bonne facture, n’est en revanche pas forcément étanche. Alors oui, un morceau de “ranger band” (comprendre “petit bout de chambre à air de roue de velo”…) permet de la maintenir fermée au même titre que n’importe quel ruban élastique l’eut fait. Mais un plus large et plus grand morceau de chambre à air, placé de manière à entourer la boîte en couvrant la partie du couvercle qui se superpose aux côtés de celle-ci, eut garantie le maintien et l’ étanchéité du tout.
      Bref, rien de bien grave en soit ou qui ne puisse être amélioré tranquillement à la maison.

      Très bon produit, je conseille vivement.

    7. Bloostar

      Good little EDC survival kit. Positive is it is loaded with a good bit of kit, the back gives a list so if you are conscious about keeping it fresh you have a list of stuff you can always purchase and keep this kit fresh. Downside is not waterproof. For an EDS its light and can go into a rucksack and be somewhat unnoticeable. Good for 48 hours with the water purification tablets too.

    8. JBB

      Pretty certain these guys have literally invented the tardis! Not only have they crammed the tin full of good quality kit, there still seems to be room left for adding my own extras. I’ve managed to add a lighter, plasters and cotton buds. Pretty sure I can find some further nooks n crannies and can’t wait for v2 of this. The alcohol wipes and gauze were used on day 1 after I jammed my finger in a heavy metal gate hook on a day trip up Stuc Odhar.. blood everywhere, cleaned up nicely and stung like bug9ery.. off to find a replacement wipe and gauze for the bottomless tin for my next trip now!

    9. Paul from Cottenham

      Very compact and elegantly filled tin with lots of varied tools and useful outdoor objects. I might need to buy another one as I don’t want to have to learn how to use something when I need it, but also, lots of the contents seem like they could be replaced by standard, off-the-shelf products…so really happy with this being really useful in various unforeseen scenarios and easily re-stocked.

    10. The All Powerful

      Husband loves it. It’s exactly what he wanted… an emergency kit with tools for all eventualities. Fits into his jacket pocket too. He’s thrilled.

    11. HolyDeadMonkey

      Kit de supervivencia diario bastante completo para su tamaño. Tanto es así, que te puede salvar de más de un apuro llegado el momento.

      El precio es demasiado elevado, yo lo habría dejado a unos 20€, pero bueno, en los tiempos que corren la demanda sube y eso eleva el precio. Perfecto para quieres estén preocupados por el panorama social, político y económico actual y tengan pocos recursos para hacerse con una mochila completa de 72h, cosa que recomiendo.

    12. Colin Kerr

      Brought this for my son he is very pleased with it has everything in it he required good quality and value for money arrived on time.

    13. Doug76

      Appena ricevuto l’oggetto. Sono super soddisfatta. La scatola sebbene piccola è capiente e si infila perfettamente della tasca del mio EDC, è piena di oggetti utili compreso un pezzo di paracord di sopravvivenza che all’interno ha anche un filo di metallo, un filo di nylon tipo lenza e un cavo di yuta (?) cerato che fa da esca per l’acciarino. Mi ha fatto piacere trovare un foglio di alluminio resistente e una fiala di vaselina, sempre utile da avere dietro che sia come burro cacao, come crema per proteggere la pelle o come accendifuoco. Ci sono anche due dadi da brodo, due tavolette potabilizzatrici della oasis, una lama chirurgica, una sega a filo (sembra) di buona qualità, condom, tampon, e altri oggettini utili. Personalmente l’ho adattato alle mie necessità togliendo il kit pesca (per altro aggiunto al mio BOB) e il filtro per il caffè e aggiungendo un accendino, una coperta di emergenza(nella cavità inferiore della latta) altre salviette disinfettanti, delle compresse di ibuprofene e antistaminico, un paio di salviette pop-up, qualche cerotto, un coltello a serramanico che entra perfettamente e qualche altra cosa, mi ha davvero stupefatto la quantità di roba che sono riuscita a infilarci senza problemi. È davvero un ottimo kit di partenza, opzioni di customizzazione infiniti!

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