Mental Health & Self Care Journal


  • Simple & science-based gratitude journal for a happier & more fulfilled life
  • Focused on progress & the good things in life to manage thought patterns
  • Promotes self-care and mindfulness with proven practices of positive psychology
  • High-quality journal made with CO2-neutral & vegan materials, covered with French linen
  • Designed, printed & bound with love in Germany
  • Perfect gift for women and men looking to prioritize self-care and mindfulness in a hectic society
    (11 customer reviews)
    Last updated on 15/04/2024 01:26 More info

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    Introducing the ultimate gift for boosting mental health and spreading positivity: the Wellbeing Box! Packed with love and care, this delightful gift is designed to bring joy, relaxation, and a much-needed dose of self-care to anyone in need.

    Inside this magical box, you’ll find an array of goodies carefully curated to promote mental wellbeing. From soothing lavender-scented candles to calming herbal teas, every item has been handpicked to create a serene and uplifting experience. Picture yourself unwinding with a luxurious bath bomb, while sipping on a delicious cup of chamomile tea, and feeling the stress melt away.

    But that’s not all! The Wellbeing Box also includes a mindfulness journal, filled with inspiring prompts and exercises to encourage self-reflection and gratitude. It’s the perfect tool for fostering a positive mindset and embracing the beauty of everyday life. And let’s not forget the adorable stress-relief squishy toy, guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face!

    Whether you’re looking to pamper a loved one or treat yourself, the Wellbeing Box is the ideal gift for birthdays, holidays, or simply to show someone you care. It’s a thoughtful gesture that says, “Take a moment for yourself, you deserve it!” So why not spread some happiness and give the gift of mental wellness today?

    Remember, a little self-care goes a long way, and the Wellbeing Box is here to make it easy and enjoyable. Embrace the power of positivity and watch as your mental health flourishes. Happiness awaits!

    Additional information



    Product Dimensions

    ‎22 x 14.2 x 2.11 cm, 449 g



    Cover Material


    Material Type




    Manufacturer Part Number


    Item Weight

    ‎449 g

    11 reviews for Mental Health & Self Care Journal

    1. Søren

      This was a gift to another.

      I’ve used the Clear Journal (Baron Fig) by James Clear and it’s also excellent. I recommend you also give it a try. Personally, however, though I’ve recently started using the 6MD, I prefer it. I find it is structured in a way that favours consistency and ease of use and tracking.
      Both journals have their place and I recommend anyone interested and even uninitiated to give each a try, one after the other; experiment and see which one suits you best.

      There’s a significant preface component, briefing you on the research science and wisdom behind 6MD, but it’s worth reading and will help set your ‘mental stage’ and orient you towards how to get the most use and value from your journal!

      So far, I love it and the first weekly exercise was unexpectedly profound. I look forward to using it each day.

      Best of luck on your process!

    2. Tulip

      Great journal..but…there is some sort of coating on the pages? My favorite pen won’t glide over the page, leaving the strokes in my words broken. My pen has never done this before. I tried other pens on the journal pages and some work and some do not. Bummer.

    3. Mathew

      I have noticed a massive difference journaling (just for 5 minutes) each day.

      Having tried a few different ones, this is always the journal I return to. The questions are great & keep me mindful of what I want to focus on each day.

      There is daily, weekly & monthly questions. The monthly ones I tend to ignore as it takes a bit too much time to answer all of the questions (daily, weekly & monthly) in one day when they all come up.

      But that is the beauty of this journal, you can take from it what you need & leave the rest.

    4. Rachel

      I’m a SAHM with 2 littles and days often feel monotonous with no motivation to get things done or improve the day to day running of the house and parenting. This 6 minute diary is great because it’s quick to fill in, gets you thinking about how you can improve your productivity and motivation as well as focus on and work toward goals. If you’re like me and never know what to write in a blank diary then this one is for you with lots of great writing prompts and broken into short questions that really get you thinking about how to make your day great.

    5. holly

      Just started reading and am aiming for .y first early morning mindfulness session tomorrow because of the way it has instantly inspired me. It’s written in such a relatable tone without being preachy or condescending. Highly recommend.

    6. Johanna Steinbock

      My morning ritual now. Helps me stay calm, focused, and grateful.

    7. EG88

      I’ve always been a little sceptical of this kind of product. With self care becoming more of a trend than a genuine way of life, there are so many journals, books and self help guides out there, it’s hard to know what’s helpful and what’s just another fad.

      At a very difficult time in my life The 6-Minute Diary has quickly become a fundamental part of my day. It is a little pricey, but it’s also beautifully made, which makes holding and writing in it an absolute pleasure. It’s full of tips and directions to help you get the most out of it. It really does only take a few minutes of your time in the morning and the evening, so it’s easy to fit into even the busiest of days. The guided entry’s are very simple questions, so I don’t ever struggle to fill them in, but they do genuinely help you to reflect on what you want to get out of each day and how you could improve.

      In a couple of weeks of completing this diary, alongside some short guided meditations first thing in the morning, I have seen a huge shift in my mood and my behaviour. Setting targets for myself at the start of each day gives me focus and reminding myself of what I am grateful for gives me a positive outlook from the very start of the day.

      I don’t usually write such long reviews! But if you are sitting on the fence as to whether to buy this book (especially with the hefty price tag!) I would urge you to go for it! It’s definitely worth the extra few £s!

    8. Evgeniya

      I am happy to have bought the follow-up version of the 6 Minute Diary. This daily ritual has helped me be more grateful and appreciating of the small things in my life.

    9. ARead

      I was very skeptical to buy a $30 journal, but this has been a GAME CHANGER for me. Have been using it now for 6 months. It is amazing at making me set intentions for the day. It has made me more mindful and productive. I love this!!!!

    10. Wolf2000

      Das UrBestSelf 6-Minuten Tagebuch PUR ist ein außergewöhnliches Achtsamkeitstagebuch, das mir geholfen hat, meinen Alltag bewusster und positiver zu gestalten – um aus einer depressiven Phase meines Lebens raus zu kommen. Diese Erfahrung möchte ich folgend mit potentiellen Käufern teilen.

      Inhalt und Struktur:
      Das Tagebuch ist klar strukturiert und bietet eine einfache und dennoch wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit, Achtsamkeit und Selbstreflexion in den Alltag zu integrieren. Jede Tagesseite bietet Abschnitte für die Morgen- und Abendroutine sowie einen kurzen Abschnitt für Notizen. Die Fragen und Aufgaben sind präzise formuliert und ermutigen dazu, sich bewusst mit den eigenen Gefühlen, Zielen und Erfahrungen auseinanderzusetzen. Hier lassen sich sowohl gute und schlechte Aspekte dokumentieren. Besonderen Wert habe ich auf die Punkte gelegt, für die ich besonders positiv von dem Tag gestimmt war. Auch kleine Erfolge zählen.

      Achtsamkeit und Selbstreflexion:
      Das UrBestSelf 6-Minuten Tagebuch PUR fördert Achtsamkeit und Selbstreflexion auf angenehme Weise. Die Fragen am Morgen regen dazu an, den Tag bewusst zu planen und die Prioritäten zu setzen. Die Fragen am Abend ermöglichen eine wertvolle Rückschau auf den Tag, um Erfolge zu feiern und Herausforderungen zu erkennen. Durch diese tägliche Selbstreflexion entwickelt sich eine positive und motivierende Denkweise, die das persönliche Wachstum unterstützt.

      Hochwertige Verarbeitung:
      Das Tagebuch ist von hoher Qualität und besteht aus umweltfreundlichem Material. Die Seiten sind dick genug, um ein Ausbluten der Tinte zu verhindern, und das Format ist handlich und leicht transportierbar. Die Bindung ist robust, sodass das Tagebuch auch bei intensiver Nutzung seine Form behält.

      Motivierende Zitate:
      Das UrBestSelf Tagebuch ist mit inspirierenden Zitaten versehen, die die tägliche Motivation stärken und dazu ermutigen, das Beste aus jedem Tag zu machen. Diese kleinen Zitate sind eine wunderbare Ergänzung und tragen dazu bei, eine positive und optimistische Einstellung zu fördern.

      Persönliches Wachstum:
      Seit ich das UrBestSelf 6-Minuten Tagebuch PUR benutze, habe ich eine spürbare Verbesserung in meiner Achtsamkeit und meinem persönlichen Wachstum festgestellt. Die tägliche Routine des Tagebuchs hat mir geholfen, mich besser zu fokussieren, meine Ziele zu verfolgen und dankbar für die kleinen Dinge im Leben zu sein.

      Das UrBestSelf 6-Minuten Tagebuch PUR ist ein bemerkenswertes Achtsamkeitstagebuch, das ich jedem empfehlen kann, der sich nach mehr Selbstreflexion, positiverem Denken und persönlichem Wachstum sehnt. Die klare Struktur, hochwertige Verarbeitung und motivierenden Zitate machen dieses Tagebuch zu einem wertvollen Begleiter für eine bewusstere und erfülltere Lebensweise. Es ist eine Investition in die eigene Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und ein wunderbares Werkzeug, um das Beste aus sich selbst herauszuholen.

    11. Mrs. N. E. Vaughan

      I absolutely love this product. I started with the Six Minute Diary but was rather half-hearted about it – thinking it couldn’t possibly be just six minutes a day… but it arrived and I filled it in that day … and the next day… and the next day…
      I loved the daily quotes/affirmations; I loved the fact that the statements/questions are simple and straightforward and didn’t make it feel like an exam or that there was a “wrong answer”. I just love it.
      So much that as I filled it in one day.. then the next… then the next… I came to the end of it. I was delighted and disappointed all at the same time… so I immediately ordered the Six Minute Diary Plus… and am very much looking to not only continuing my morning and evening “journalling” (which has improved my focus on my life, my goals, what I will accept and what is unacceptable to me) and I have high hopes that “Plus” will allow me to continue to start and end each day in a positive, productive, pro-active mindset – which has had a massive beneficial impact on so many other aspects of my life.
      I’m going to end here because I know I’m beginning to sound evangelical about it… but I really can’t recommend it highly enough. Buy it and tell yourself “I’ll give it my best shot for a week”… don’t look at the whole book and think I’ll never get to the end… just tell yourself “seven days”. That’s what I did… but the first seven days were followed by the second seven days.. then the third … and the fourth… and … on those days where I couldn’t fill it in first thing (with a cup of coffee in bed) … I missed it. My day didn’t “start right”… and on those rare occasions where I couldn’t end my day positively reflecting on all the good things that had happened… I went to sleep with my heart that little bit less content .. and I couldn’t hear my soul singing the lullaby that the diary created every evening.
      Buy it. Try it. I hope, like me, you’ll love it.

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